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Less is More: Compelling Pitch Deck Design

Less is More: Compelling Pitch Deck Design

A concise and compelling pitch deck could be considered an important part of any startup. It’s your opportunity to tell an engaging story about your business, your vision, and the potential for growth, all without saying a word. A well-crafted pitch deck should be able to captivate potential investors, partners, and stakeholders, and leave them wanting to learn more about your startup. In this blog post, we’ll explain the art of creating a pitch deck that helps speak for your startup.

The Power of Conciseness

When it comes to pitch decks, less is often more. A concise pitch deck can grab the attention of your audience and keep them engaged throughout the presentation. You want to distill your message down to its essence, focusing on the most important aspects of your business. To achieve conciseness, consider keeping your pitch deck to around 10-15 slides. This can allow  you to cover the essential points without overwhelming your audience with unnecessary information.

While you want your pitch deck to speak for itself, you also may want to consider how your pitch deck works in tandem with your verbal pitch. When pitching in front of an audience, you want to be able to supplement the information contained in the pitch deck instead of reading from the slides word by word. Your pitch deck and verbal pitch should allow for both to work in tandem, while also each speaking for itself as if the other wasn’t present.

Important Slides to Include

While every pitch deck should be tailored to the specific needs of the startup, there are certain slides that are generally considered important for a comprehensive presentation.

When you craft your pitch deck, it can be important to strike a balance between providing enough detail to convey the value of your startup and avoiding overwhelming your audience with excessive information.

The Elevator Pitch:

The elevator pitch is a brief introduction of the who, what, why, and how. Start with a compelling introduction that succinctly summarizes your business, its value proposition, and what sets it apart from the competition. This slide sets the stage for the rest of the presentation.

The Problem:

You want to be able to clearly explain the problem that your business solves and why it is positioned well in the market. Outline the problem or need that your startup is addressing. This can be an opportunity to demonstrate that there is a genuine demand for your product or service.

The Solution:

Once the problem has set the stage for why your company exists, present your innovative solution to the identified problem. Use this slide to showcase the unique value that your startup brings to the market.

Market Opportunity:

Provide data and insights that illustrate the size and potential of the market you are targeting. This slide can convey the scalability and growth potential of your startup.

Business Model:

Explain how your startup plans to generate revenue and sustain itself in the long run. This slide can outline your pricing strategy, distribution channels, and customer acquisition approach.

Traction and Milestones:

Highlight any significant achievements, milestones, or partnerships that demonstrate the progress and potential of your startup.


Introduce the key members of your team, their expertise, and their roles within the company. This slide can help instill confidence in the investors about the capability and experience of your team.

Financial Projections:

Provide a clear and realistic projection of your startup’s financial performance. This slide can  help to convey your understanding of the financial aspects of your business.

Finding the Sweet Spot

When crafting your pitch deck, the style and design of your pitch deck should resonate with your target audience. Consider who you are pitching to, their backgrounds and experiences, and what may appeal and speak to them most.

For Investors

Investors are often analytical and results-oriented. Use clean and professional design elements with a focus on data-driven visuals. Incorporate financial charts, market graphs, and growth projections to appeal to their investment mindset.

For Partnerships

If your pitch deck is aimed at potential strategic partners, emphasize the collaborative potential of your startup. Highlight the mutual benefits of a partnership and how it can drive value for both parties. Use visuals that showcase the synergy between your business and potential partners.

For Customers

When presenting to potential customers, focus on the value that your product or service brings to their lives. Use relatable visuals, testimonials, and real-world scenarios to demonstrate the impact

Final Thoughts

Crafting a compelling pitch deck is an important part of any startup’s lifecycle. Entrepreneurs and founders can design their pitch deck to be concise, highlights the important information potential investors, partners, and customers would want to know about the startup. The pitch deck should work hand in hand with the verbal pitch, but should contain enough information to convey the who, what, how, and why of the startup as a standalone item. By taking these elements and utilizing them in a strategic manner, startups can craft a pitch deck that speaks for itself.

Is your startup looking to raise capital? Apply today to raise funding with MicroVentures!

Want to learn more about preparing your pitch deck and your verbal pitch presentation? Check out the following MicroVentures blogs to learn more:


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