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The artificial intelligence (AI) market has seen significant growth in recent years[1], with AI technologies becoming increasingly integrated into all facets of our lives. From machine learning algorithms powering recommendation engines, to natural language processing chatbots, to robotic process automation … Continue reading

The decision of whether or not to raise external funding may be one of the first strategic choices an entrepreneur has to make. While raising venture capital or taking out a business loan can provide a significant capital injection to … Continue reading

In the world of investments, knowledge can be power. Using data to make informed investment decisions has always been a key part of due diligence. In today’s fast-paced market, new technologies are upending traditional data analysis methods and providing even … Continue reading

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just limited to science fiction anymore; it’s a growing industry shaping the way businesses run operations and conduct business across the globe. From helping to revolutionize healthcare to powering self-driving cars, AI is everywhere, altering … Continue reading

For entrepreneurs, the ability to pitch your business idea effectively can make an impact on investors. Whether you’re in a one-on-one investor meeting, networking at events, or reaching out through cold calls and emails, nailing your pitch is important for … Continue reading

In the realm of modern innovation, one technology sparking excitement and potential is 3D printing. What began as a niche concept in the 1980s has evolved into a multi-billion-dollar industry with applications ranging from healthcare to aerospace. As we delve … Continue reading

After you invest in a company, you may be wondering how to best stay informed as the startup reaches new milestones, launches new projects, and takes on additional funding. But how can you best stay updated on what your portfolio … Continue reading

Is the IPO Window Opening Back Up?

Is the IPO Window Opening Back Up?

The highs of the 2021 IPO market have been just a memory for the past couple of years. Initial Public Offering growth decreased in 2022 and 2023[1], and it is still too early to tell exactly what 2024 will bring. … Continue reading

The rise of robotics and automation has experienced transformation in recent years. From the early days of mechanization to the current era of artificial intelligence and machine learning, these industries have undergone significant growth and have been shaped by a … Continue reading

Primary vs Secondary Investing

Primary vs Secondary Investing

Primary vs. Secondary Investment: Knowing the Difference in Private Equity When choosing investments, an investor may come across a primary or secondary offering. The main difference between the two is that the primary market is where securities are created, while … Continue reading