Many crowdfunding campaigns include perks as a way of saying “thank you” to those who donate and support the company. Ranging from a social media shout out to a red carpet premiere, these perks are traditionally a part of reward-based … Continue reading
You’ve researched different regulation crowdfunding platforms, compiled the necessary financials, crafted your pitch, and determined your funding goal. Why then do you also need a campaign video? While it may seem like extra work, requiring extra time and money to … Continue reading
In the past 10 years, there has been a sharp rise in the number of startup accelerators, incubators, and coworking spaces in the U.S. and around the globe. In fact, the number of accelerators in the U.S. jumped by an … Continue reading
A little over a year ago, Title III of the JOBS Act went into effect. Since May 16, 2016, equity crowdfunding has given more investors access to innovative startup companies and helped more startups raise the capital they need to … Continue reading
With ABC’s television series Shark Tank came a surge of everyday people interested in investing in startups. While Shark Tank is certainly a unique syndicated show, with its talk of equity, valuations, and debt, how well does the show portray … Continue reading
In our fourth and final post on equity crowdfunding regulations, we’re discussing Title III of the JOBS Act, which went into effect on May 16, 2016. With the popularity of crowdfunding, especially its use to raise funds for a variety … Continue reading
To continue our series on the four options for equity crowdfunding, today we’ll be reviewing crowdfunding under Title IV Reg A+. The SEC has stated that the purpose of Title IV Reg A+ is to facilitate smaller companies’ access to … Continue reading
It’s a simple truth: angel investors win when they invest in the right startups. Were it only that simple. What this implicitly means though is something equally straightforward: the best angel investors are the best at gauging potential. Not blindly … Continue reading
Crowdfunding: Part of a coherent fundraising strategy? We think so. As crowdfunding increasingly becomes the defacto way of giving and receiving capital, it’s a subject demanding more and more of your attention. Our startup economy has made the leap from … Continue reading