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Portfolio Diversification

For decades, traditional investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds were seen as the primary paths for retail investors to grow their wealth. However, in recent years, alternative investments – assets that fall outside of these traditional categories – … Continue reading

Investing in private equity inherently involves risk, and crafting a diverse portfolio is one option to help navigate uncertainties. Diversification can be a practical approach to risk mitigation. In this blog, we’ll talk about some benefits of diversification and strategies … Continue reading

In the world of venture capital, the allure of potential returns is usually accompanied by inherent risks. Some strategic approaches that an investor may take could be combining diversification and thorough due diligence. In this blog, we will delve into … Continue reading

In the world of startup investments, the path to success is often filled with twists and turns, and investors must be prepared for the unexpected. One situation investors can face is the phenomenon known as “down rounds.” Unlike the excitement … Continue reading

“I look for startups that are solving a big problem that I care about.” – Marc Andreessen “I invest in startups that are disrupting an existing market.” – Naval Ravikant “Investing in startups is like investing in people. You have … Continue reading

Institutional investors, such as pension funds, insurance companies, endowments, and sovereign wealth funds, are increasingly turning to private equity as an investment option. Private equity refers to investments made in privately held companies or those that are not publicly traded … Continue reading

The Portfolio Magic Number

The Portfolio Magic Number

When evaluating investment opportunities, diversification can be an essential part to managing investment goals. Diversifying your investment portfolio is considered a way to help balance the inherently risky nature of investments. How many companies should an investor have in their … Continue reading

If you’ve ever considered investing in startups, then you’ve likely heard or read that startup investments are risky. And with more than 50% of startups failing within the first four years, there’s no doubt that making an investment in a … Continue reading